The aerospace company performed an incredible test flight with a prototype of the Starship spacecraft that could one day transform humans into a multiplanet species. I have been writing at this for a long time. Peter the Great Bay is near Vladivostok and Russia claims the straight line from cape to cape; the US does not recognise that. I read this post today on Aberdeen News' online site. I was interviewed some time ago by the North Carolina Museum of History concerning the writing of this trilogy. "Sic semper tyrannis" is a Latin phrase commonly used as a rallying cry against the tyranny of Government. There are more than 300 newspapers. He should not concede until, at the very earliest, ALL issues in re the election are legally resolved. Dana Perino, the cute blonde midget who is a talking head on Foxnews says that she not only "thinks" there is nothing but us in the great, wide universe but that she believes the whole US Space Program has been a waste of time and money from its very inception in the era of the godlike JFK except as it was a useful tool with which to tweak the Soviets. On July 10, 2006, the US Embassy’s political counselor in Caracas Venezuela , Robert Downes, sent a classified able to Washington. If Barr has to be fired to accomplish a direct appointment by the president, so be it. Southern Heritage Blog . Virginia’s flag sums up the core American values of resistance to tyrants and obedience to God. Comments (20). How might we find more public/private involvment in the architecture/landscape that is produced by the monsters? Sic Semper Tyrannis A new fury is in the hearts of young adults the world over. “He was very uncomfortable with what he saw as endless wars.”"  al-monitor. pl, Continue reading ""Strike The Tent" trilogy by W. Patrick Lang" », Posted at 08:10 AM in Books, Intelligence, Prose, Richard Sale | Permalink beginning of large-scale vaccinations yesterday, key workers have the priority. | The latter corporation was not forced treat employees better; they decided it was good business. SHARON TENNISON. As you can imagine, there are thousands of files of many types. Trump should pardon ALL his associates now imprisoned after political trials. Now, in the aftermath of an election in which their party has suffered massive "down ballot" defeat, Joe Biden and his supporters are calling for unity and "healing" across the country. », Posted at 09:09 AM in Larry Johnson | Permalink today--, The last was Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. More importantly, how might the creativity of humankind find its way to these types of developments? Sic semper tyrannis You might not recognize the building pictured above, but the name should be familiar. Comments (15). The strip mining operation is pretty standard for what you see in much of western North Dakota. But it answers the question:  when a state in the U.S. has a dispute with another state, where is the lawsuit filed? "I expressed doubts about the connection the team drew between Dominion voting machines, Smartmatic software and Venezuela where the technology is suspected of being used for electoral fraud. Read it! The GOP somehow obtained these tapes. I have heard that all my life." Officers from the Utah Department of Public Safety's Aero Bureau were flying by helicopter last Wednesday, helping the Division of Wildlife Resources count bighorn sheep in southeastern Utah, when they spotted something that seemed right out of "2001: A Space Odyssey. His globalist strategic thinking fit together nicely with Pompeo's simple minded evangelical devotion to Israel and its self fulfilling 1% fantasies. They have lacked the means to do it themselves unless they want to use the nuclear weapons they pretend not to have. ", "In 2016, they all indicated strongly that Donald Trump would win against most of the public polling," Basham said. I withdraw that doubt. Big Bluestem is a hardy, perennial, warm-season grass. The laptop contained, among other goodies: Hunter never returned, nor paid the $85.00 repair bill. A US warship on a "freedom of the seas" trip entered it and was chased off. | In a brief statement by Judge Sam Alito in the order, joined by Judge Clarence Thomas, this issue is mentioned:  "In my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction. “You kind of feel there’s steady progress and less guesswork,” says Steven Rose, co-director of the Centre for Inertial Fusion Studies at Imperial College London. The trial judge denied a temporary restraining order on 20 November, and Wood is appealing that decision to the federal Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. In 2005 he started his blog, Sic Semper Tyrannis (A Committee of Correspondence). They did this by counting people who were arriving and leaving, people on temporary assignment, people on leave, etc. | Retired general Haim Eshed, 87, who headed up the Defense Ministry’s space unit for nearly three decades, alleged the existence of an alien alliance spanning the galaxy in a bewildering interview with Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper. They might be referring to not granting a stay order or temporary injunction., Attorney General Bill Barr Wins Helen Keller Award by Larry C Johnson, Fox News Swirling Down The Toilet by Larry C Johnson, A judge reverses himself on a restraining order in the Sidney Powell case in Georgia. Such a view of battle could only have come from the author’s personal experiences. I wonder whether Xi suspected at first (at first) that COVID might (might) have been a biowar attack and communicated that possibility to Putin. Too late, of course – the damage has been done. Virginia. Even with Donald Trump’s vindication of getting big Pharma to produce a viable vaccine to immunize people against the COVID, the media misinformation and hysteria continues. It is really hard to say goodbye to the blogosphere. Claude’s missions for the Federal War Department take him to major battles, and the reader will experience Cedar Creek, and Fort Fisher as if in person. OK. We found no evidence to the contrary,” Briand concluded. The citizens of Pennsylvania voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump. Generally speaking, the removal of odious Anatoly Chubais from the position of a biggest honcho in Rusnano is significant only in terms of symbolism--the author of a barbarian privatization in Russia in 1990s which lead to the economic catastrophe and de facto economic genocide of population deserves everything which may be coming to him. I'm hardy, perennial and I like to write...but I'm not a grass. Sic Semper Tyrannis America. And these edicts have the horrific effect of destroying the jobs and livelihoods of many small business owners. Interesting article. Effective today, Sic Semper Tyrannis will be closing up shop for good. Martha MacCallum fared worse—she shed 50% of her audience, collapsing from 3.201 million to 1.613 million. He provides a nice summary of several of the key pieces of evidence that normally would incite the interest of even the most incompetent, disinterested U.S. Attorney General. Sean Parnell fought in Afghanistan for over a year as an Army Ranger in the 10th Mountain Division, was wounded in 2006, and after completing the deployment, was medically discharged with the rank of captain. It also acts as a trial court when lawsuits are filed by or against the Commonwealth," the name for the state [2]. I feel like this community of Virginia bloggers has become part of who I am over the past year and a half, but I am now prepared to walk away. Any way, four new ones just opened in Russia with another one coming later this month. Posted at 05:05 PM in Current Affairs, government, Justice, Politics, Russiagate | Permalink Two officials that received the report said the photo was taken after the triangular craft emerged from the ocean and began to ascend straight upwards at a 90-degree angle. Code-named “Hannibal,” Confederate penetration agent Claude Devereux is firmly lodged in the upper echelons of the Federal war machine. "That was again the case in 2020. Comments (6),,, Posted at 08:51 AM in Whatever | Permalink It was David Hardy, a FBI Senior official, who put that denial in writing in September 2017. 25. “If [the COVID-19 death toll] was not misleading at all, what we should have observed is an increased number of heart attacks and increased COVID-19 numbers. They can make up this stuff more easily from home. But you know why the DOJ has not uncovered “any evidence of widespread fraud?” Because the DOJ, including the FBI, has refused to look for it or at it. | The vision of Lincoln standing in full view of the Confederate sharpshooters at Fort Stephens is indelible, as is the vignette of a severely wounded Union officer on the grounds of the Belle Grove Plantation after Cedar Creek. This may bite them in the ass yet. ... Blogs and Sites. | Comments (66). " Line crossers, men from broken units, disciplinary problems, etc. Hell, even Helen Keller could see the widespread fraud that infects this entire Presidential election, but not Billy Barr. He found that a variety of ratios were used in different sets of precincts. Congrats to Bill Barr. The Democrat plan to steal the election went beyond the old tactics of voting the graveyard. SpaceX said SN8 is "designed to test a number of objectives, from how the vehicle’s three Raptor engines perform to the overall aerodynamic entry capabilities of the vehicle (including its body flaps) to how the vehicle manages propellant transition [...]," the company wrote on its website, “With a test such as this, success is not measured by completion of specific objectives but rather how much we can learn, which will inform and improve the probability of success in the future as SpaceX rapidly advances development of Starship.” Musk shared the vehicle achieved going through all the testing objectives -“Successful ascent, switchover to header tanks & precise flap control to landing point!” he wrote via Twitter. | UPDATE, 12 December 2020:  I realized last night that I did not mention the local description of judges was partly in Spanish, and so I have clarified it. In this blog, we will be peaceful and intelligent. Another anomaly of the 2020 election, Basham told Levin, is the fact that, "If you look at those results, you see that, In fact, Basham suggested, Trump's performance was so impressive that, The photograph, which is said to have also been taken from inside the cockpit of a military fighter jet, depicted an apparent aerospace vehicle described as, Two officials that received the report said, Regarding the overall theme of the recent report, officials who read it say the report primarily focused on “Unidentified Submersible Phenomena,” or. Officials who had seen it said the image was captured in 2019 by an F/A-18 fighter pilot. It is, of course, much more difficult to do this in the Mega corporation, but some of those also exist. Sic Semper Tyrannis. Self-heating is key to burning up all the fuel and getting runaway energy gain. Interview with her here: worth your time. A calculation built into the computer software was executed to produce numbers that, if unexamined, appear to secure a victory for Biden. So that men show what they are for good or bad more readily than in ordinary times.'. Sic Semper Tyrannis! Rather suspiciously, the FBI won’t comment: it’s an “ongoing case”." John did what he asked and tried to return it. He held his own with women and suburban voters against all of most of the polling expectations, did very well with Catholics, improved his vote among Jewish voters," continued Basham, who detailed his incredulity in an article published in the American edition of the Spectator. So if we are to accept that Biden won against the trend of all these non-polling metrics, it not only means that one of these metrics was inaccurate ... for the first time ever, it means that each one of these metrics was wrong for the first time and at the same time as all of the others. After more than four years of repeated denials from the FBI that they had searched their files and had no information on Seth Rich, we now know that was a blatant lie. NBC - not so much. They can make up this stuff more easily from home. Search This Blog Sic Semper Tyrannis. ", The brief filed by Missouri and the other states, which is officially a motion for leave to file a bill of complaint, also warns that the changes enacted by the state executives and judicial branches opened the states' elections up to potential fraud." Comments (30). I think they quickly decided that it wasn't but the possibility was put into their minds. ", "Anyway nothing was [being] *floated* here since the point is that if electors were to go to the winner of the majority of all counties would probably just give it to the Republican in every state. He is best known for spreading a hoax in 2008 that Republican operatives had a videotape of … | Buchwald successfully penetrated the exoteric "surface"of the text itself to reveal its true meaning. Two of us in the group, the author of the above letter and myself, have concluded that the only way to fix this country now is a pushing of the "reset" button. Sic Semper Tyrannis Sic Semper Tyrannis! I represented a lawsuit in the 70s for a firm in Pennsylvania. Comments (13). Comments (26). In fact, he is worse. Comments (22). CNN, "Mark Steyn Interviews Sidney Powell on Rush Limbaugh Show…" CTH, Election Analysis Using Biden's Law. Khamenei published a, Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood (pictured), and other attorneys, filed lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan about voting fraud. He may or may not have been the "father" of an actual Iranian MILITARY nuclear program as opposed to a CIVILIAN electric power focused program. I don't know much about Spain. He is the runaway winner for revealing himself as totally Deaf, Dumb and Blind. . Hunter Biden brought his laptop to John for repair. Yulia phoned home, on a burner it seems; living apart, she's OK, dad has a tracheostomy tube; dad never wrote to Putin asking to come back and did not give interviews to Urban. (more army talk)  pl, Posted at 12:23 PM | Permalink Continue reading "Attorney General Bill Barr Wins Helen Keller Award by Larry C Johnson" », Posted at 10:36 PM in Larry Johnson | Permalink Pat Lang. After 25 years of not being itself (with a few exceptions), that began with George W. Bush as governor in 1995, Texas has gone back to its roots and is standing up independently by filing a lawsuit against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin over their unconstitutional election law changes and the voting misconduct those states allowed to happen. The Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia shows Virtue, spear in hand, with her foot on the prostrate form of Tyranny, whose crown lies nearby. “The security of Georgia’s elections is of the utmost importance.”, Raffensperger said Wednesday that his office has “received specific evidence that these groups have solicited voter registrations from ineligible individuals who have passed away or live out of state.”, “I will investigate these claims thoroughly and take action against anyone attempting to undermine our elections,” he vowed. ", "However, Starship SN8 performed an excellent flight. "In 2016, they all indicated strongly that Donald Trump would win against most of the public polling," Basham said. But let me give you the Reader’s Digest version. Often ethical and morally correct business practices are good business. The Georgia case was filed on Wednesday, 25 November 2020. hum! ", "After seeing that his 2016 tweet was being circulated, Hayes responded to his critics, saying, "Wait this is still true! He had never seen soldiers do such a thing. Posted at 04:22 PM in Food and Drink | Permalink ", "One of the biologists ... spotted it, and we just happened to fly directly over the top of it," pilot Bret Hutchings told, From the terrain this looks like it would be in the SE part of Utah. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2012 Vinyl release of Sic Semper Tyrannis on Discogs. Sic Semper Tyrannis. | NATO is again concerned by how close to its bases Russia puts its country. The world is changing. The rest is history. They will fuss and do nothing, and the usurper Biden will take office, soon to be replaced by the cabal of careerist politicians, media opportunists and revolutionaries who created him. A perfect medium. “I’ve been a critic of the president. Voting in elections is free and easy. Joe Biden’s folks tried to steal it. You said you'd keep her safe. Blog Contact Join the Mailing List Three cycles. Guess what? - Rem Koolhaas Corporations, like the giant earth moving machine, are monsters...but we all agree they are here to stay. I have been reading papers filed in that case, which began on 13 November 2020. Congress made the authority to hear the cases (the "jurisdiction") exclusive to the Supreme Court, so that no other court would be involved [1]. The Starship SN8 prototype soared approximately 50,000 feet (15-kilometers) into the sky powered by a trio of Raptor engines. ... with new target designs and laser pulse shapes, along with better tools to monitor the miniature explosions, NIF researchers believe they are close to an important intermediate milestone known as “burning plasma”: a fusion burn sustained by the heat of the reaction itself rather than the input of laser energy. Once here, he becomes ever more involved until he ends by being asked to form a provisional battalion of infantry from men nobody else knows what to do with. There are probably people in Beijing who think the US used biowar in Korea. So, I am spinning my wheels until the situation in the senate resolves itself. Biden's inauguration is not contingent on a concession. The phrase is meant to signify that tyrants will always be overthrown and removed from power. The reason they did this was because they liked corn with their Pelerins. Circuit before 20 January 2021. Regarding the overall theme of the recent report, officials who read it say the report primarily focused on “Unidentified Submersible Phenomena,” or unidentified “transmedium” vehicles capable of operating both under water and in the air. " The photo you see below is of a Marion 8750 dragline used by the Falkirk Mining Company to remove "overburden" (top layers of soil). After all, if the Dems could rig this once, why not again. | These invitations to voter fraud were sent by Stacy Abrams' group, the New Georgia Project. Hi-Octane original rock and metal songs as well as blazing covers. That is a drop of 2.275 million. He should move out of the WH and send his staff away before the inauguration. | | Yet, the number of people testing positive for Covid keeps going up. You've won an all-expense paid trip to....North Dakota! The irony is that it was Eisenhower's idea. tear it up. If hadn’t been a drunk, we wouldn’t know as much about his shenanigans with Joe in the Ukraine and China. By 33230715130361 On April 29th, 2020 . | I hear yah! The Georgia case was filed on Wednesday, 25 November 2020. A Special Counsel should be named to make it as difficult as possible for the Harris/Biden Administration to cancel all investigation of the obvious fraud at both the wholesale and retail levels (Dershowitz reference). Also, the Supreme Court's own rule that they can deny a state "leave to file" a lawsuit there when they are the court with  jurisdiction is unconstitutional because it violates the guarantee of "due process of law" in the constitution. Oak and hickory, maple and poplar, the smoke brought the smell of their little communities so like those their ancestors had made in the beginning of their new life in America. Truck drivers were tasked to haul pallets of Biden ballots from place to place. Comments (44). | | Anytime you want to study human behavior, it is well to study the Civil War, because in that you study human behavior under terrific pressure and heat. Comments (25), "Science currently holds that time travel is an impossibility, but readers of. ", "SpaceX is offering Canadians almost exactly the same service price it's offering in the U.S. -- C$129 (about $98 U.S.) for the service itself, and C$649 ($495 U.S.) for the hardware. This was especially the case when picking federal district court judges, the trial courts. This secret (esoteric) history of the first Thanksgiving was discovered many years ago by Art Buchwald (a leader of the Brooklyn branch of the "Illuminati") whilst he was doing research in the catacombs located beneath the "Crazy Horse" saloon and "salle des danseuses" in Paris (France) (as opposed to Paris, Virginia). What started as routine wildlife assistance took an extraterrestrial turn for Utah's Department of Public Safety after officers stumbled upon a mysterious monolith in the middle of rural Utah. In the 2007 NIE on Iran the USIC would not commit publicly to the existence of such a military program and they never have since. tear it up. | Raffensberger stated in a TeeVee presser yesterday that his household has received three absentee ballot application forms addressed to his son who has been dead for two years. . The Honey Badger on the Howie Carr show. The gist of this is that he has a deep seated hatred for the Syrian Government and an exaggerated sense of self-importance. Can we please have a new paradigm, please? pl,,, Posted at 09:48 AM in Science, Space | Permalink A journo friend called yesterday to ask my opinion about the course of near term events regarding Iran. Why Does the Media Refuse To Report Meaningful Data on Covid? " pl, “The Venezuelan-owned Smartmatic Corporation is a riddle both in ownership and operation, complicated by the fact that, "Strike The Tent" trilogy by W. Patrick Lang, "House Conservatives Urge President Trump To Name A Special Counsel To Investigate Election Fraud" OAN, Thanks Pelosi, You and your Friends Are To Blame for Growing Hunger. Sidney starts to talk about half way through this hour. This machine is the gateway to the solar system. Mark Matheny December 17, 2010 With little notice from the average joe on the street, the plan for complete and total disarmament in a supposedly peaceful world continues its way toward completion. Personal blog. Tweet. I doubt it. Poor Swalwell, he probably thought he was the only one. Not that the USN would ever bow to foreign intimidation, There is already a fleet of South Korean-built icebreaker LNG ships operating in Yamal, is again concerned by how close to its bases Russia puts its country, More confusion and contradictions revealed in the German story. Resetting the machines would destroy relevant evidence now existing on each voting machine. But they sat on it. "MSNBC host Chris Hayes has been one of the most vocal critics of President Trump, accusing him in recent weeks of undermining democracy by not conceding the 2020 presidential election, but resurfaced comments he made back in 2016 suggested he also did not respect the country's electoral process. What authority did they have to declare who is president? "-Mark Matheny What's more, in an effort to win a $16 billion rural broadband contract from the FCC, SpaceX is working hard to get its speeds up to 1 gigabyte per second -- as much as a 20x improvement over the initial capabilities of the beta service. Continue reading "Texas sues 4 states in the U.S. Supreme Court for election law changes and voting misconduct" », Posted at 09:49 PM in Current Affairs, government, Justice, Politics | Permalink | He is no better than Jim Comey or Eric Holder. Biden ballots were run through counting machines ten times. Even such relatively small numbers could add up to big business for SpaceX, however, and a big opportunity for investors. By Tabitha Korol Sic semper tyrannis! Learn how to say Sic Semper Tyrannis with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials. Authored by Larry Johnson via Sic Semper Tyrannis blog,One year before Jim Comey was immersed in his plot to overthrow Donald Trump, the duly elected President of the United States,a brave Foreign Service Officer at the U.S. Department of State came forward with firsthand information of Hillary Clinton’s rampant abuse of Classified material.The man, a pl,,, Posted at 10:39 AM in Music, Politics, Reconstruction Renewed | Permalink After two years of talking a good game, Barr’s masquerade as someone opposed to the criminality of the Deep State is exposed as a venal lie. Sic semper tyrannis is a Latin phrase meaning "thus always to tyrants". So, pilgrims, this family will now ascend to the very heights of "Mount Corruption" in the heart of Swampland. And as he grows more each day, I begin to see why it's more and more important to preserve what little natural places there are left, for him to experience and enjoy. Comments (15), I am now receiving draft comments that are threats to take action against me if I do not desist from resisting treasonous election fraud. But the drug addled Hunter did not return to pick it up nor did he pay his bill. Bellamy! "All indications are that Hunter Biden has substance abuse problems. The phrase was recommended by George Mason to the Virginia Convention in 1776, as part of the commonwealth's seal. Their ultimate goal was to sue the pants off of deep strip ops for ground table disruption of the lower 9th strata.If it hadn't been for the "wackos", we would have never gotten anywhere, since the political atmosphere at the time needed a little "push" in our directionThanks for the read. Sic Semper Tyrannis The Commonwealth of Virginia's Ultimate Blog. This guy likes to talk. You have to love thus stuff. A fellow by the name of Edward Solomon has done yeoman’s work in digging into the Pennsylvania voting data and showing conclusively, in my view, how the Democrats, with the help of Dominion, rigged the vote. Why? pl,,, Posted at 10:22 AM in government, Justice, Politics | Permalink No!" SPACE STATION. Now, the generals and admirals, a notably unimaginative lot, are slowly coming to a consensus with regard to UFO/UAP and that consensus points to a conclusion of the reality of these things, whatever they are. Comments (30), The internet is alive with rumors that the CIA Director, Gina Haspel, is either under arrest or dead. marked "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS VIRGINIA" Seal of Virgina Also see Virginia on Netstate. I thought this up as an explanation of why, as far as I know, only Russia and China have built new permanent isolation hospitals. They spent a weekend trying to determine if the knot was a noose. It is worth your time. Candidates for office campaign from multiple parties with a broad spectrum of political views. RUSSIA AND COVID-19. Comments (3), "Today SpaceX is one step closer to Mars! Mar a Lago would be a good place to spend inauguration day. UKRAINE. Comments (20), "Filling in for Rush Limbaugh, the brilliant Mark Steyn interviews the indefatigable Sidney Powell about currently known election fraud. the debrief. Since the crude number of total deaths by all causes before and after COVID-19 has stayed the same, one can hardly say, in Briand’s view, that COVID-19 deaths are concerning. The timing feels like that should be looked at," Swalwell said on Tuesday. The blog shall remain up but not updated. And who would contract out their elections to machines that can be hacked by anyone? ISS is breaking down and suggests it has only about five years left, China will start to build its own orbital station in 2021. What was done in Pennsylvania, specifically Philadelphia, reveals how the Dominion software magically created votes for Joe Biden to swamp the actual number of votes Donald Trump was ringing up. Masks really do not make a difference. We The People Are NOT OKAY With This!!! The court then processes the case under the rules of procedure and evidence. NAVAL INCIDENT. In the State of Michigan there are over 30 private universities. A docket sheet has been created in the Supreme Court Clerk's office, and an order appeared today by Judge Samuel Alito that the defendants are to file a response by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 8 December 2020. In my years I have seen hunger and devastation around the globe, and it's not a pretty picture. "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS" was also the motto for the 22nd Regiment U.S. You Trump loyalists are making them pay where it hurts–the pocketbook. The nose dive and glide followed by self righting was all that one could hope for in an early test. 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Blog sic Semper Tyrannis you might not recognize the building pictured above, but still won comfortably found., it was more or less the author and any links in … personal blog and Mexican heritage and... Additional potential records that require further searching... the Rooshans are making them pay where it hurts–the.... Of Correspondence ) said: 'The Civil War Memory blog Fool, there are only $ s. Effective today, sic Semper Tyrannis by Anonymous • may 7, 2017 12:10... Ad for a firm in Pennsylvania way the Peaux-Rouges helped the Pelerins was when they taught to! On Netstate is that it was n't but the execution was piss poor army! Half way through this hour the state motto of Virginia 's Ultimate blog what authority they... Human being starving to death, which is not the message that the ISS is breaking and...