You have almost certainly been part of a brainstorming session yourself at one time or another (if not hundreds), and will therefore know that one of the key protocols of these sessions is that you are not to criticize anyone else’s views (loc. 2300). Click to read more about Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer. 2440). Rather than maximizing employee creativity, they become obsessed with minor efficiencies” (loc. 2748). For instance, the web site InnoCentive is a crowd sourcing site where corporations can go and post their innovation challenges and problems to the public. Submitted by Cliff Meggison. The Barnes & Noble Review: One of the things that stands out in Imagine is how creativity is frequently misperceived, or partly misperceived, as associated with pure freedom of the mind. According to Lehrer, while social media such as facebook and twitter certainly have their uses (loc. Your email address will not be published. And if those responsible for these novelties hadn’t taken the risk of sticking their necks out with them, they would never have seen the light of day (loc. To see what your friends thought of this book. Imagine: How Creativity Works [Speed Summary] Perspiration-Inspiration-Perspiration. October 24, 2012. Read a book, visit a museum, listen to your favorite music or engage in a lively debate with a friend. So glad I did. Lehrer does something fascinating here. In an effort to determine just what the right mix of people for a group project consists in, Brian Uzzi (the same sociologist just mentioned above) undertook a major study of nearly every Broadway musical produced over the past 100 years (loc. According to Lehrer, the key to creative cities is density, diversity and maximizing interactions, and there are ways that we can (and should) design and organize our cities that optimizes all of these. But then to find out he MADE STUFF UP in this book...not OK. The second group was assigned to engage in a brainstorming session (and to be careful not to criticize each other’s ideas) (loc. According to Linda Neiman, founder of Creativity at Work, “If you have ideas and don’t act on them, then you are imaginative but not creative.” Given the complexity of the subject, psychologists have tried to break creativity into parts in an effort to understand it better. As it turns out, though, there are puzzles that can be devised that require a leap of insight on the part of the brain (loc. It doesn't give specifics, but Wikipedia has this: Hilarious. It is the story of how we imagine. John Hibbing wanders into biology, sets up a physiology lab and finds that political orientation can be partially explained by hardwired genetic predispositions. As Lehrer puts it, “these students will leave the school with an essential talent, which is the ability to develop his or her talent. *To check out this book at, or purchase it, please click here: Imagine: How Creativity Works. explores How Creativity Works. ― Jonah Lehrer, quote from Imagine: How Creativity Works “The advantage of knowing where insights come from is that it can make it easier to generate insights in the first place. The main characters of this non fiction, psychology story are Dan Wieden, Anne Adams. 3493). First, when we are encouraged to criticize others’ ideas we listen more intently to, and are more engaged with them, and also strive to improve their ideas with our own: “we think about their concepts because we want to improve them; it’s the imperfection that leads us to really listen” (loc. 1923). Also, if you feel others may benefit from this article, please feel free to click on the g+1 symbol below, or share it on one of the umpteen social networking sites hidden beneath the ‘share’ button. All at once Newton had his stroke of insight, and the world of science was never to be the same again. It sounded out of place, like the unmitigated fervor of an undergraduate paper. 3237). However, HHMI eschews this approach in favor of one where potential projects are evaluated on the basis of the scientist’s previous research (loc. I found it distracting. So, what was going on in the subjects’ brains while all of this was happening? Buy Quicklet On Jonah Lehrer's Imagine: How Creativity Works online now. Now, coming up with a creative idea is one thing, but the fact of the matter is that these creative ideas, when they do come to us, rarely show up in finished form. In support of this, Nancy Andreasen—the same scientist who led the study on the Iowa Writers Workshop—discovered that “nearly 40 percent of the creative people she investigated had the disorder, a rate that’s approximately twenty times higher than it is in the general population” (loc. 1305). This is especially true for the first half of the book, which is titled "Alone". 3176). “Imagine” was the defining work of Lennon’s career, as made evident by a section of New York City’s Central Park dedicated to him being inscribed with this word. What’s more, a number of NOCCA’s alumni have gone on to become important artists, including “Wynton and Brandford Marsalis, Wendell Pierce, Terence Blanchard, Anthony Mackie, Harry Connick Jr., and Trombone Shorty” (loc. If creativity is a light, it does not have an on/off switch. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers However, according to journalist and author Jonah Lehrer, science is beginning to understand how creativity works, and how it can be fostered, and it is this understanding that he brings to the table in his new book ‘Imagine: How Creativity Works’. For Lehrer, in order to answer this question we will need to look inside the brain, which, with the advent of sophisticated brain scanning technology in the past 20 years (including the PET scan, EEG and the fMRI), we are now able to do. Learn why Steve Jobs put the only bathrooms at Pixar in the atrium to force people to bump into one another and how travel really does broaden your mind. They are 1) The accessibility of education; 2) A certain cosmopolitanism; 3) An atmosphere that allows for, and even encourages, risk-taking; and 4) A balance between protecting intellectual property rights, and allowing old ideas to be used for the purposes of new innovations. If this strategy failed, though, the activity in the subjects’ brains moved to their right hemisphere (loc. That the color blue can help you double your creative output? Now, as Beeman points out, insights “require the brain to make a set of distant and original connections” (loc. He suggests that rubbing elbows with people who are different leads to creative work. 3612). From the New York Times best-selling author of How We Decide comes a sparkling and revelatory look at the new science of creativity. Rather, Uzzi found that the most successful teams were the ones where a good portion of the collaborators knew one another quite well, and which collaborators were joined by a moderate amount of new and unfamiliar talent. While historians estimate that less than 1 percent of English citizens could read in 1510, by the time Shakespeare moved to the capital, the literacy rate was approaching 50 percent” (loc. And did Shakespeare ever! To begin with, several studies have compared brainstorming with an alternative strategy where group members are required to come up with ideas on their own. John Hibbing wanders into biology, sets up a physiology lab and finds that political orientation can be partially explained by hardwired genetic predispositions. Darla Anderson, an executive producer with Pixar, was sceptical at first (loc. 2411). Pixar, as it turns out, is a big fan of constructive criticism. We will now have a look at each in turn. Finally, we learn that even some cultures are more creative than others, as is evidenced in particular by the fact that geniuses tend to cluster in certain times and places, such as ancient Athens circa 400 BC, Florence, Italy circa 1500 AD, and Shakespeare’s London of the 16th century. Newton, the story goes, was passing beneath an apple tree (or sitting under it, in some versions of the story), when an apple fell from above, striking him on the head. The book describes how Vygotsky regards the creative process of the human consciousness, the link between emotion and thought, and the role of the imagination. When it comes to education, consider the example of Shakespeare’s London. 3477). Lehrer explains the creative process based on quality scientific research which means that we are now able to understand the process of creativity and repeat it. Personal development books. 3650). 3204), which meant that there was always a motley crue of inhabitants in the district itself—and, of course, all manner of people came to watch the plays, form the lowest classes to the highest. Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer starting at $0.99. Reporter Michael C. Moynihan turned up evidence that Lehrer, in his book “Imagine: How Creativity Works”, had fabricated several quotes from musician Bob Dylan. Finally, he fits the same findings to to a social structure. Actions. Posted by u/[deleted] 3 years ago. Given that this is the case, urbanites tend to be exposed to a much wider spectrum of information and ideas: “because cities force us to mingle with people of different ‘social distances’—we have dinner parties with friends, but we also talk to strangers on the street—we end up being exposed to a much wider range of worldviews” (loc. If you wish to subscribe for free to my monthly summaries, then please email me on 100% Upvoted. Uzzi considered the Broadway musical to be an optimal launching pad to study collaborative dynamics since it requires the collective effort of so many different types of people. Auden. 391). Given that this is the case, it is simply a matter of monitoring the brain as it solves these ‘insight problems’. This book is about how that happens. One of my favorite is number 40: Coursera. Alex Osborn, who coined the term ‘brainstorming’—and who wrote a string of best-selling books about the practice in the 1940’s and 1950’s—emphasized just how important it is that there be an absence of criticism in a brainstorming session; for, he wrote, “‘creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom, while discouragement often nips it in the bud’” (loc. Those kinds of encounters, even if they are seemingly insignificant, are the ones which prompt us to think in new ways. 2291). Fabricating sources to support your thesis is plagiarism of the worst sort and something I struggled against while teaching composition to undergrads. As Simonton says of newbies, “they’re innocent and ignorant, which makes them willing to embrace new ideas” (loc. 710). 3180). 2448). Book Review: Imagine- How Creativity Works. Thats where he was leading us all along. In fact, cities are not just hotbeds of creativity, they are hotbeds of productivity of any sort—at least in any variable of this kind that can be measured, “from the production of patents to per capita income” (loc. Sciences (deals in category at right), #12. The reasoning behind this design was simple: Jobs’ wanted his employees to interact with one another as much as possible; he himself stressed that “everybody has to run into each other” (loc. Eventually, the loss of creativity affects the bottom line, and soon enough the company is unable to keep up with its competitors (loc. 308). Now, while Jacobs did not have the mathematics to back up her claims, West and Bettencourt do, and they agree with her wholeheartedly (loc. 2904). You put a lot of work into this summary, and I hope a lot of people benefit from it. Johannes Gutenberg transformed his knowledge of winepresses into an idea for a printing machine capable of mass-producing words. I met with a lawyer the next day and Beyond Basals, Inc. was launched. 3155). Subjects made to feel sad have even been shown to be better collage artists (loc. Since then Ive been surprised over and over again when a really good idea seems to fall from the sky or when Im suddenly aware of an art piece that took on its own life. 2419). Uzzi found that the most successful traders were the ones who carried on the most text-messaging conversations with their colleagues: “the best traders were the most connected, and people who carried on more IM conversations and sent more messages also made more money. Even aside from the employee testimonials, though, it is difficult to disagree with anything that Pixar is doing, as their track record speaks for itself—the eleven feature films that they’ve released since 1995 have grossed an average of $550 million per film, and won a total of 24 Academy Awards, 6 Golden Globes and 3 Grammys (loc. 383). This man had a dream job, and was very good (and very successful) at what he did. That the right side of the brain has a key role to play in insight was not necessarily a big shock to Beeman. 3143-47). Once you have the right team together, it’s important that that team practice the right approach, for not all approaches are created equal. 2296), but when she experienced the strategy at play, she changed her tune. Good to hear you liked the summary. 911) or having a nice warm shower or bath (loc. In the first place, when the subjects were trying to answer the puzzles by way of conscious analysis there was a rash of activity in the left hemisphere of their brains. As Lakhani himself explains, “Our results showed that when the solvers rated the problem as outside their own field, they were more likely to discover an answer” (loc. Our findings show that debate and criticism do not inhibit ideas but, rather, stimulate them relative to every other condition” (loc. 2424). 2364). However, he contends that what the students learn at these institutions will allow them to be successful no matter what they end up doing. 2865). Indeed, while suburbs tend to be made up of a single social and economic class, urban areas are a mix of every type of person imaginable. I found that inflamed prose a little annoying. Watch more with these video collections: animation creativity culture drawing education fails imagination innovation problem solving science storytelling tenacity. I just finished Gladwell's Outliers (and re-read Carr's "The Shallows"), so I was excited to start Lehrer's Imagine -- How Creativity Works. Should the subjects have stumbled upon that moment of insight, it is here that it emanated from (loc. As an extra bit of evidence that this mix of people is precisely the one that leads to success, Lehrer cites the fact that it is also the one that Pixar employs when it puts a project team together. 999). It is because as companies grow, they tend to turn their focus towards efficiency at the expense of innovation and creativity, and this shift has none but a negative effect (loc. 435). ADHD sufferers excel, except here, take some amphetamines and focus intently, except, hey, you lost all that right-brained disparate input. ADHD sufferers excel, except here, take some amphetamines and focus intently, except, hey, you lost all that right-brained disparate, I'm more than half-way through and maybe it's just my left-brain (even though tests show I'm sort of more right-brained?) Indeed, as Lehrer points out, London had recently experienced an enormous boom in publishing (loc. Imagine How Creativity Works Espresso Summary are a great way to achieve information regarding operatingcertain products. Imagine: How Creativity Works By Jonah Lehrer (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 279 pp., $26) THE YEAR IS 1965. ‘Imagine: How Creativity Works’ by Jonah Lehrer (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; March 19, 2012), 2. She used this Australian colloquialism to refer to her loosing concentration when the match was on the line. I consider myself a creative type and have often wondered why sometimes the ideas flow easily and other times it feels like trying to squeeze a hammer through a tube of toothpaste. Thoroughly enjoyable and insightful exploration of creativity and the conditions necessary to produce it. [Jonah Lehrer] -- Did you know that the most creative companies have centralized bathrooms? To begin with, the ‘insight experience’ seems to be one that comes out of nowhere, and arrives when we least expect it (loc. It has to do with the fact that “the biggest problems we need to solve now require the expertise of people from different backgrounds who bridge the gaps between disciplines. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! #12. His book, Imagine: How Creativity Works, was released on March 18, 2012. As evidence that a dose of healthy criticism does in fact work out in the field, Lehrer once again cites the company Pixar. The end result [is] a constant churn of ideas as strangers learn[] form one another” (loc. To begin with, the connection between creativity and depression is well-established. 2936). Creative ideas rarely come in finished form, however, and therefore, perfecting these ideas requires deep persistence and hard work. For instance, as Lehrer mentions, “the Henry VI plays were so deeply influenced by [Christopher Marlowe’s] Tamburlaine that eighteenth-century scholars assumed Marlowe had written most of the lines” (loc. Some of my favorite quotes... Lehrer comes at this topic with a goal: to see what we can and should be doing to improve the innovation successes in the United States in the future. Summary composed by Paul Arnold (Strategic Planner, Trainer & Facilitator). In each case the political. Lehrer is communicating sometimes complex information about the creative process in a simplified form that makes it reader-friendly. Imagine made me want to redesign my university and my profession. Nevertheless, Beeman was able to design a number of verbal puzzles that fit the bill. Take Procter & Gamble’s Swiffer, a creative combination of the traditional mop... Frustration-Distraction. Nothing good is easy. The question becomes, then, how does this reversal of fortune occur: “What allows someone to transform a mental block into a breakthrough? 3603). So risk-taking yields results, and we can encourage more of it through well-designed practices and strategies such as HHMI’s (loc. For instance, the social psychologist Joe Forgas has repeatedly shown that sadness tends to increase creativity (loc. Best of all, his work can be discussed, refuted, and improved upon. The example that Lehrer relies upon most heavily in his analysis though is Shakespeare’s London of the 16th century. 1047). Quality will come later’” (loc. 645, 830-43), to relaxing by way of meditating (loc. They were comfortable with one another, but they weren’t too comfortable’” (loc. A Summary of ‘Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt’ by Michael Lewis, #55. Nemeth split her subjects into 3 groups, and assigned each group a different strategy for solving a given problem about traffic congestion (loc. save hide report. What are you thoughts about the ideas in the book now, after the author admitted making up some of the information? FastCompany presented an excellent summary of world’s most innovative companies of 2013. Share Tweet. Required fields are marked *, Science & Math (deals in category at right), Politics & Soc. By distracting ourselves from the problem, we cut off the left brain’s efforts to solve the problem through its literal and conscious approach, and allow the right brain to unconsciously explore the mixture of disparate ideas that may allow for an insight to strike (loc. 2857). Jonah Lehrer is a good writer, though his prose gets a bit overwrought at times when he's talking about literature. *To purchase the book at, please click here: Imagine: How Creativity Works. However, this was more than made up for by the successes. share. They stifle conversations, discourage dissent and suffocate social networks. As a result, we can find solutions only by working with other people” (loc. A Summary of ‘Capital in the Twenty-First Century’ by Thomas Piketty, New Podcast: A Discussion of ‘The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind’ by Michio Kaku, #54. Flag this item for. The way this young writer Jonah Lehrer, dealed with the subject fascinated me so much hes well documented once treating every single idea. 2753). 2828). Larry Wendling, a vice president of 3M, explains that “‘It’s like a huge middle-school science fair… You see hundreds of posters from every conceivable field. And here is a more general video explaining how crowd sourcing works: Here is the website that the video mentions at the end: 3591-99). What’s more, because connections build on connections, and ideas build on ideas, there is room for superlinear, as opposed to just linear, growth. James Fowler teams up with a sociologist, uses an epidemiology database and learns that voting has viral properties. West and his colleague Luis Bettencourt “attempt to explain this… by invoking the language of physics. Since then I’ve been surprised over and over again when a really good idea seems to fall from the sky or when I’m suddenly aware of an art piece that took on its own life. Sometimes the nonexpert is the person who can make a creative breakthrough because he looks at the problem in an entirely different way. I do my best. Best of all, his work can be discussed, refuted, and improved upon. We need to leave behind the safety of our expertise.”, “And so we keep on thinking, because the next thought might be the answer.”. Imagine: how creativity works: jonah lehrer: 3520700000577. 2832), and for him makes cities the most important invention in all of human history (loc. Sometimes people tell small lies to benefit others. They figure out how to dissect problems and cope with criticism” (loc. And this exposure to a wider range of worldviews contributes to our own creativity (loc. A similar approach is practiced at High Tech High in San Diego, only the focus here is on technology rather than the arts (loc. Again, though, as with the case of amphetamines, it does not take much to see that melancholy and depression are not exactly healthy states of being. He wanted to create an open area for people to always to be talking to each other” (loc. The guys doing nanotechnology are talking to the guys making glue. Imagine: How Creativity Works By Jonah Lehrer HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT Flummoxed by an intractable problem? So, for more creativity in your own life, concentrate and work hard, relax, and then concentrate again and work harder. How can people become more imaginative? #12. 1025). This allows one to rent a book and follow up with these summaries to recall the main points. The strategy seems to be working. Once again, there are certain factors that make some cultures more creative than others, and Lehrer argues that our institutions and laws can be designed in such a way that encourages this creativity. Imagine How Creativity Works Pdf Free 14 - DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1) 99f0b496e7 Home > Imagine How Creativity Works. If you are creative, if you aren't creative check this book out. He called these puzzles Compound Remote Associate Problems, or, you guessed it, CRAP: “The joke is beginning to get old. Lehrer does something fascinating here. That’s where he was leading us all along. 3363). "IMAGINE argues that modern science allows us to identify and harness the many different thought processes from which creativity emerges. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule here. 425). Creativity refers to generating new and novel ideas. (The theme of horizontal sharing will be taken up again below in the section on creativity in businesses and organizations). I did enjoy the book, but now that the quotes are in question, as a reader, I have to wonder what else was invented or ripped from context to support Lehrer's ideas. It’s interesting. What this means is that every time a city doubles in population its inhabitants become 15 percent more productive (loc. The fourth and final cultural condition that Lehrer brings up in connection with increased creativity is a kind of balance between two competing forces. 2411). The main problem with brainstorming, it seems, is that the very lack of criticism that is meant to allow creative ideas to bloom and flourish, actually ends up doing just the opposite. Past Articles (Alphabetized by Author’s Name), imagine: how creativity works by jonah lehrer, #57. For more creativity in your city, aim for high density and mixed-use neighborhoods. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Alexander Linklater applauds an impressively lucid description of the creative mind at work. Imagine made me want to redesign my university and my profession. Jones investigated scientific production over the past 50 years by looking at both patents and peer-reviewed papers. Epiphanies 2. The second half of “Imagine” is devoted to looking at “group creativity,” examining what sort of collaborative dynamics (within businesses or communities) tend to maximize innovation. 400). 3140). 439), and therefore, it makes perfect sense that it would be the right side of the brain that would be responsible for these insights. Your imagination: npr at first ( loc this means is that the revelations. A prime example of this imagine: how creativity works summary a fun book, much of it through well-designed and... Of sub-urban growth we tell stories about creativity from their inhabitants meet over beers at the most are. Has to do or who to talk about ” ( loc failures—indeed 35 percent more loc... That alternative is imagine: how creativity works summary other than melancholy and depression contribute to creative output that mixing. 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