If your moisture-loving plant is in a dry environment, spritz it with water every couple of days to make sure it’s getting the humidity it needs. Most good dog parents check their dogs when they get home to make sure they don’t have ticks.”, There are plant enthusiasts, too, who bring in “good bugs” for their plants, like plant YouTuber Summer Rayne Owens. Don’t topple or fry your plants. As Gardening Know How explains, preventing transplant shock begins with the roots. While it is not uncommon to see plants wilting and dying in the summer heat, there are a couple of ways to preserve the plants' health before it's too late. You’ll be happy to know that with a little planning and some strategies designed to keep kitty away, you can have your plants and cat, too. Creeping juniper, purple berberis and juniper all have thorny or prickly foliage that would be very difficult -- and very painful -- to get The base of the plant stem feels soft and mushy, Yellow leaves throughout the plant that fall off, The edges of the leaves are crispy and brown, Strong, well-defined shadow, then you’re swimming in, Weak shadow but you can still make out the silhouette, you’re working with, Faint shadow without much definition, it’s a. “I think when you get enough plants you’re basically creating this little ecosystem in your home,” Owens told the New Yorker. Once, my husband (then boyfriend) sent me 30 succulents to share with friends when we were dating long-distance. Humidity: For the most part, the water that is applied to the surface of your soil is only helping strengthen the roots and stems. I mark the jugs "water" & "Miracle Gro". Research what healthy roots look like (light and fibrous!) Have a spray bottle of water handy, and give your cat a spritz when they get near your plants. This should help you figure out the best spot for your plant, based on how much sun it needs, but the direction of the light is another useful measure. Make sure that water has someplace to run off to. Some plants, like most ferns, thrive in really humid environments (like your bathroom) and need at least some humidity to survive. Remember this: It’s alive! A stressed plant is a plant that’s going to be victim to problems.”, It’s absolutely possible to be overzealous and overwater, a practice akin to helicopter parenting, says Carter. Learn what balance to strike in the watering department by studying up on your plant and by familiarizing yourself with what healthy soil looks and feels like. Please consider making a contribution to Vox today, from as little as $3. 165k members in the PlantedTank community. Are you pretty forgetful? This one’s for my black-thumbed brethren. Start in a quality organic potting soil like Gardner & Bloome, Happy Frog, Ecoscraps, or something like that. On the flip side, your plant might be sunlight adverse and prefer shade. What’s less straightforward, and what can be downright daunting, is how to prevent a houseplant’s seemingly preordained demise before it’s too late. I'm shaking my head in wonder at the "I don't care what experts say, they're killing my trees." Nonorganic soil, on the other hand, contains enough fertilizer for a single season. The best part about bringing your plants home is choosing which spot to warmly welcome your plant. That way, your plants can climb the supports instead of crawling along the ground, where they are more susceptible to disease. Fertilizer and Pests Putting a lot of fertilizer in your plants will create impressive growth, but too much will require you to repot them, and it will definitely attract a lot of insects in the summertime. Light soil works well for hanging plants or plants in indirect sunlight or shade. Change can be tough on any of us, and plants are no exception. “If the soil crumbles apart, that’s good,” writes Martin in Indestructible Houseplant. (And if there is no tag, you can look up the requirements using this online database). Keep worm castings and If you overwatered your plant, you’ll have to remove it from the soil to bring it back to life. Overdry soil? “I don’t say that they become a part of your plant family for nothing,” says Hilton Carter, noted plantfluencer and author of Wild at Home. The conditions may be variable, but luckily, Martin tells Vox, “The solution is the same. The leaves, however, could really use a spritz or two of water every day or two. 3. Soil weight: Soil is typically classified by how dense it is: light, medium, or heavy. When you transplant, add some sugar water to the mix, be careful with the roots, and you should be in the clear. Wrong Type of Soil Soil is soil, right? Here are some of the most approachable and useful ways to keep these pests off your precious medicine: Grow companion plants : Adding some variety to your cannabis grow with companion plants that act as natural repellents is a healthy way of keeping predators at bay. If you can’t get the hang of it, tech can help. West windows get a long period of direct sun, but usually miss the hottest most intense part of the day, which can damage some plants with medium light requirements. Not entirely unlike a dog or a cat, your houseplant depends on you for its care. I didn’t until I killed one. “If it remains in one soggy glob, that’s not good.”. East windows are perfect for most low to medium light requirements that smaller, table-top plants prefer. HomeGuides offers step-by-step instructions for saving it, but the instructions boil down to cutting off the soft, rotten roots of the plant and repotting it in a pot with proper drainage. How to Prevent Bugs From Killing My Bell Pepper Plants. If you want to learn more about how to care for succulent plants indoors, check out my full snake plant care article and my guide to growing succulents indoors. I too use aluminum foil to keep my cat from going in my floor plants. Here’s how. A place for aquatic flora and fauna enthusiasts! Who among us has brought home a healthy plant, perhaps a tropical split-leaf monstera or a fuzzy, opalescent succulent, only to soon stand guilty of planticide? Want to grow piles of organic tomatoes instead? Soil matters, so don’t just go to the garden store and grab a bag of whatever. Organic versus nonorganic: As HomeGuides explains, organic potting mixes provide nutrients for plants over time. To keep your pepper plants from falling over, support them by tying them to stakes, cages, trellises, or ropes. If you’re going to invest the funds, be sure you can invest the time, too. If you overwatered your plant, you’ll have to remove it from the soil to bring it back to life. newsletter. North windows limit wise choices to a small selection of house plants. Container potting soil should be light and fluffy. It can be confusing, though. You can grow Plants that Repel Spiders for a chemical-free approach to get rid of them! Assign your most sun-loving plants to your most generous windows, and don’t be afraid to relocate them from time to time to keep them nourished and happy. It’s All About Placement Where you place your plants is an important part of the strategy for keeping your cat away from your plants. The world’s problems overwhelmed me. The biggie is sunlight. “And for me it’s the only sensible way to be able to control any kind of outbreak. Air plants (Tillandsia) are easy to care for indoors. “[Indestructibles] are plants that can take a lot of abuse, a lot of forgetfulness. Indoor plants clean the air, make our spaces look great, and could also boost productivity. Some plants are hardier than others, but if you’re anything like me, the only plant that survives under your thumb is an artificial one. You can find low-cost spray bottles online(link to Amazon) or at a local hardware store. I did this with my hands until I found a garden tool (which I learned is called a Dandelion Weeder and can be purchased for $19 from Garden Tool Company) buried a few inches deep in the dirt I was moving. Above: Before planting, I had to tear out the existing dead plants in the window box and remove the dry dirt. If you have a flowery plant and notice that the flower buds are falling from the plant or if their leaves are wilting, this may be due to low humidity. A financial contribution to Vox will help us continue providing free explanatory journalism to the millions who are relying on us. It’s pretty easy (and heartbreaking) to spot a sick houseplant. Spider mites are so small that a magnifying glass is needed to see them. Every plant requires a different care regimen — running the gamut from every-other-day maintenance to once-monthly check-ins — and the answers to those Plant Person Questions can point you to which plants are right for your lifestyle. 3. Do you spend 60 hours a week at work? High humidity can cause mold growth, damage to your home’s structures, and more. This way, you can pick up on early signs of suffering. Netflix’s new musical The Prom won’t solve small-town bigotry. Who has kept a dearly departed air plant on a windowsill months after its expiration as a painful reminder of the crime? ), It’s a shame that real plants can’t talk like that. “There’s always, always a chance to turn it around.”. comments. Many people, he adds, are too quick to throw out plants they mistakenly believe are dead, when in fact they simply need help. Get Money: Live the Life You Want, Not Just the Life You Can Afford. This is the classic cat “training” technique. The plan confirms Europe’s status as a global leader on climate change. I’ve read the near-1,000 page novel Cryptonomicon at least 4 times since 2003, and each time I still get so engrossed that my house plants die. Heavy soils are typically used for outdoor plants, gardens, and trees. EU leaders agree to deeper cuts to greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. And the folks who, again like me, almost instantly found a way to let their easy-going succulents down. That means nutrition, hydration, a supportive home environment, and intuiting its needs. The side of your plant that’s directly against the window will, of course, get the most sun, but what many plant parents forget is that this can translate into either overgrowth on one side, causing the plant to topple over, or into a half-fried plant. Rotating tends to be an overlooked care tip. You can too, with a few lessons from the pros. “So take a minute to check and see if they need a little drink.”. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Picking the right soil can get complicated, especially if you’re into gardening and raising fruiting plants. She last wrote about the rise of homeopathy for The Highlight. Step one for keeping a plant alive? Following all these tips will hopefully lead to a long and wonderful life for each of your plants. Do you crank the heat in winter and/or blast the AC in summer (and, it bears repeating, is your house haunted)? If So how do you know if you’re watering a plant too little or too much? If you’ve underwatered your plant, the solution is easy: water that thing! “It doesn’t work that way.” How much and how often to water depends not only on the type of plant but also on weather conditions outside and the temperature you keep your house. “You’re looking at your plants all the time because they’re so beautiful and you’re loving them,” says Martin. To keep your plants safe, hang them from the ceiling, place them on a high shelf in a sunny space, or try using a plant stand. Don’t push it.” However, they say plants that are growing under fluorescent light or have been sitting in the soil at stores could probably use a dose of fertilizer, and they recommend using a water soluble type with a ratio of 20-20-20, which is suitable for most houseplants. Don’t buy that dracaena because all the beautiful people on Instagram have one; ask your local plant shop what plants might adapt best to the environment you have to offer. These simple tips will keep yours thriving with the right balance of air, water, food, and light. Press question mark to learn the rest of the Find out how to tackle ants that are nesting in pots or farming aphids on potted plants. Is it dry? For those of us just trying to keep our potted green friends alive, Proven Winners suggests a few simple rules of (green) thumb. Studies have shown that indoor plants boost productivity, purify the air, and bust stress. Otherwise all my plants would be dead.”. Handle the root ball gently when transplanting and bring up as many of the roots as possible. There’s a lot more that goes into picking the right soil, but for the sake of simply keeping your plant alive, these basic rules should work. Light soil works well for hanging plants or plants in indirect sunlight or shade. After you bring your plant home, you’ll likely want to repot it in a container that resonates with your personal style. RIP, aloe vera, you will be missed. versus what unhealthy roots look like (kind of a gloopy mess). Contributing writer, Lifehacker. You might also consider terrariums for certain plants to keep them moist and humid, adds Martin, particularly if you travel for work. Avoid these 5 Tip #4 - Plant some prickly or thorny plants around the bushes and trees you want to keep safe. It’s that you don’t know what type of ‘plant person’ you are.”. In general, flowering plants, like african violets or orchids struggle to survive in any north facing window. But it’ll have fun trying. The sun is much less intense in this orientation. Help keep Vox free for all by making a contribution today. If a plant needs medium light, just locate it to the side ... or a few feet away from the window. Tired of killing your potted tomato plants? After that, you might want to consider adding your own plant fertilizer. The problem is that there exists a lot of bad habits and advice about how to keep succulents. “When I lecture, audience members sit with their pens poised, hoping I will advise them to water every Tuesday or the like,” writes Martin in Indestructible Houseplant. Beyond the basics, there are some other factors to consider. How can I keep ants out of pots? Says Carter, “Dust creates a filter between the sunlight and the leaf tissue,” and that barrier keeps the leaf from effectively absorbing the sun’s rays. But friend, you are! You also probably need to repot it anyway, because often the container your plant comes in doesn’t have drainage holes, which give excess water an escape route. Did you know a cactus could droop? When you choose a place in your home for plants to live, pay attention to three main factors: lighting, temperature, and humidity. Which makes it all the more frustrating — and/or gutting, depending on your personality type — when a houseplant’s health fails. A hole at the bottom of your container may not be enough, either—the water needs a place to go, like over rocks or through a drainage tray. Reading Peter Singer’s The Life You Can Save in the year of the plague. All you have to do is not kill it. You could also use a digital sensor to tell you when the soil is dry. She picked 200 for her book The Indestructible Houseplant that, she writes, “tend to tolerate sub-par conditions and less-than-perfect gardeners.” If you Google “set it and forget houseplant,” which I did, you’ll find a slew of articles boasting plants “that are almost impossible to kill.” But there’s a caveat. Plant killers are intimately familiar with that “oh shit” moment, when we finally realize something isn’t right in yonder ceramic pot. r/herbs: A subreddit for discussing herbs and their uses Press J to jump to the feed. It’s absolutely possible to not assassinate your houseplants! Pay attention to hot or cold spots in your home, though: right under a vent or near a blazing hot window, for example. It’s not foolproof, but if you’re bad with plants, an app is probably more reliable than relying on your own memory. Air plants don't kill trees. For example, Vera (iOS) is an app that will help you create a schedule for the care and watering of your plants. Some plants require “low light,” but what exactly does that mean? Soil speaks! Not all plants are made for terrariums, though, so be sure to do your homework first. What they lack in verbal skills, however, they make up for in body language. As their organic materials break down, they release nutrients. Do not despair! Getting rid of fungus gnats doesn’t mean you have to rid your home of potted plants. As a basic rule, a medium soil is good for plants in full sun, because the soil holds water. Nope. pH balance: The mix will usually tell you how acidic or alkaline the soil is on a scale from 0-14 (7 is neutral). “Never, never wait for it to wilt,” she says. Heavy soils are typically used for outdoor plants, gardens, and trees. The good news is you can learn how to get rid of gnats in plants with a few household products and keep them at bay with a few simple changes to your environment. In fact, here’s an entire flowchart to help you pick the right plants based on your lighting environment. When you take them home from the store and immediately shovel them into a new pot, in a new location, with even a slightly different temperature and lighting situation, they can experience transplant shock. We’re in the midst of a vibrant houseplantaissance. - I have many plants in my home, and use half-gallon and gallon jugs to dissipate chlorine for a few days. The folks, like me, who ran out to buy a dozen succulents once word got around at how easy they are to take care of. You can thank Pinterest for that. Enter details about your plants to create an individual profile for each, and create a watering schedule with built-in reminders. Yellowed leaves. Ants can be an issue if they’re nesting in your pots and containers, or if they’re farming aphids on your plants, protecting them from harm. Some cats will just get sneakier and make mischief when you are not home, but some … Google your plant, go to the library, ask your local plant shopkeeper, DM your favorite plantfluencer, and equip yourself with knowledge. For containers, just use a regular potting mix. You’ll have to keep a close eye on kitty for these to work, but it can’t hurt to try. Because let’s face it, plants can be expensive (sometimes really expensive). “You take your dog for a long walk in the woods. If your plant is wilting, it might need more space for its roots to spread out. Plants that prefer less light will likely turn brown if they are placed in direct sun-- so be sure to keep an eye out for this during your watering sessions. Whether you have a question to ask or a planted tank to … Press J to jump to the feed. You might also consider terrariums for certain plants to keep them moist and humid, adds Martin, particularly if you travel for work. How low is too low? You’ve got to rotate them too, says Carter. You check the soil to see if it’s dry. “If the plant is putting out new growth, is flowering or is growing well and looks strong, then it is doing well. By worrying together, we can prevent much of this from happening. If you examine the plant a little more closely, you should notice some subtle differences that tell you whether it’s drowning or thirsty. “Anything that is alive can be killed,” Martin says. Get our newsletter in your inbox twice a week. There are a host of factors that play into how best (and how often) to serve your houseplant. How to have a baby, even if you’re worried you can’t afford it, The best things to eat and drink to fight wintertime dread, The fight over Joe Biden tapping Tom Vilsack as agriculture secretary, explained, The FDA has authorized the first Covid-19 vaccine in the US. Discoloration is often a sign of overwatering. Finally, humidity is a factor when watering a plant, too. Horticulturist Tovah Martin recommends that plant newbies consider starting out with a class of plants that she terms “indestructibles” — plants like the spider plant, the ZZ plant, and yes, the dracaena. That’s the solution.”, Martin cites an oft-repeated myth about watering. Here are the ideal pH levels for some common houseplants. Sign up for the Reading up on how much water your particular plant friend needs will point you in the direction of another plant-specific necessity: sunlight. Spiders come in a number of different sizes. How a New Hampshire libertarian utopia was foiled by bears. Those yellowed or drooping or dried leaves are your plant’s pained way of screaming, “Please pay attention to me!”, When it comes to sunlight in particular, “Plants have a clever way of conveying when they need more lumens,” writes Martin in Indestructible Houseplant. When we hear ‘spiders’ it makes us go uncomfortable, as most of us don’t like to have them around in our homes. The rest of us can use these steps to troubleshoot the problem. A few times per year, use a wet cloth and lightly wipe down the leaves of your plants on both sides. Luckily, though, there are only a few key care categories to incorporate into your plantiful lifestyle. study published in the Journal of Arboriculture (PDF), suggests a few simple rules of (green) thumb, ideal pH levels for some common houseplants. The problem is, it’s also a sign of underwatering. Look up the requirements for your specific greenery using a search tool like Garden.org’s Plants Database. But…. The plant is drooping, and it looks a little yellowish brown. (Or is that brownish yellow?) Adding too much can kill your plants, and as the New York Times notes, if the plant is thriving, it’s best not to bother. The Supreme Court rejects Texas’s undemocratic election lawsuit, Trump attacked the decision on Twitter, calling it "an embarrassment.". While simple, this technique only works if you are home most of the time and can keep a personal eye on your plants. Speaking of drainage, most plants need it, and when they don’t get enough, they suffer root rot. To know how to prevent bugs from killing your bell pepper plants, it can help to know which pests may attack the peppers. Not enough watering. You’re going to need to prune those yellowed and dried leaves, and Carter recommends that you wipe your leaves down regularly to boot. An areca palm might look cool and match your rug, but you should bring one home only if the two of you are a good fit for each other. They aren’t props.”, Carter suggests that folks in the market for a plant figure out what kind of “plant person” they are before bringing one home. Hopefully, you’ll be on your way to raising plants that, if not thrive, at least survive.This post was originally published in May 2016 and updated in September 2020 to refresh the content and update dead links, as well as align it with current Lifehacker style guidelines. But you don’t want to abuse anything, so don’t do it. Stephie Grob Plante is a writer whose work has appeared in Smithsonian Magazine, Playboy, the Atlantic, The Verge, The Goods and elsewhere. You, too, can keep a plant alive indoors. And in fact, your yellowed, drooping, dried plant friend might not be as dead as you fear. The good news is, you can For Carter, it all comes back to the pet analogy. A string of ill-fated plant purchases might even make you wonder if you’re fit to take care of houseplants at all. Here are 5 common mistakes to avoid so you can achieve success. Do you get much of it (yay! They mark their territory by depositing pheromones from scent glands (urinating or otherwise), and will continue to visit as long as their scent remains. Dried leaves. Lighting should be an obvious one—the requirements are right there on the plant’s tag. As we’ve written about here, seed starting mix, potting soil, and garden soil are each quite different.. The easiest way to pick up on your houseplants’ cues and become attuned to their needs is to, simply put, enjoy them. Sugar helps, too: A 2004 study published in the Journal of Arboriculture (PDF) found that feeding plants sugar can help reduce shock: This finding indicates that the growth pattern of trees may be altered in favor of enhanced root formation by treating them during or immediately after transplanting with sugar, potentially offering a system for reducing tree mortalities due to transplant shock. (Audrey II, it must be noted, is a bloodthirsty alien intent on world domination. This book empowered me. In most cases, house plants are the culprit. Is it humid in your place? Do you travel a lot? There's power in understanding. And while you’re at it, take an inventory of what your living space brings to the table. Chemical-Free Ways to Kill a Shrub that Keeps Growing Back We asked our frugal readers if they had any inexepensive, natural methods for removing a shrub that does not require the hard work of digging out the roots. Soggy soil that isn’t escaping through the container’s drainage holes? And if you’re enjoying an ongoing conversation with your plants — rotating them, wiping down their leaves, checking their soil, etc. “When they bend toward the light source, that’s your cue to move them closer and rotate their containers.”. I have a knack for killing succulents. Here are some symptoms unique to both conditions, based on info from HomeGuides and Jain, an irrigation company. “Because if you do, then you’re going to end up killing these plants over and over again, and you’re going to consider yourself a ‘bad plant person,’ or someone who has a ‘brown thumb.’ But that’s not really the case. Just go to the Old Farmer’s Almanac to keep them moist and humid, adds,... Green-Thumbed friends who seem to have an intuitive sense for how to safe... Toward the light source, that ’ s good, ” writes Martin in Indestructible houseplant side... or planted! Is: light, medium, or something like that if your plant be. Planted tank to … Press J to jump to the Old Farmer’s Almanac tough any. For containers, just locate it to the Old Farmer’s Almanac drooping, and plants are made for,! A darker home, you should notice some subtle differences that tell you whether it’s drowning or.. 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