Now many schools have programs in areas such as Business, Criminology, and Nursing that are offered through their online programs. Organization is a twelve letter word that can be incredibly daunting. One example of this is Capaball, a start-up company that has developed the first ever Artificial Intelligence system that creates training programs tailor made to match the student's profile.The idea came about as a result of the acknowledgement of two realities: that current education is not meeting the challenge laid down by the digital revolution and that … Well, if you consider displacement of open universities and/or a new business model for them disruptive, then yes. With that in mind, here are 3 examples of disruptive innovation in healthcare and healthcare delivery, and how … Systems; pursuing an M.Ed in Instructional Technology, University of St. Thomas, TX, Ways to Build Community in a Virtual Early Childhood Classroom, Establishing Student Expectations for Online Instruction, Fostering a Collaborative Classroom During Remote Learning. Prior to the class time, the instructor can review the results of the quiz and tailor the lecture so that it covers the material missed by the majority of the students, thus allowing more discussion and coverage of material that the students are having difficulty with and less time with material that they have mastered. Harvard Business Professor Clayton Christensen, best known for his work on “disruptive innovation,” passed away on January 23.. His passing offers us an opportunity to reconsider the bind in which American higher education finds itself. I’d like to provide three key factors that IMHO are needed to be understood if to  understand disruption in education. Disruptive innovations are however differentiated from sustaining innovations. Disruptive innovation is not something that starts out in a large, mass production style, but more of a small market where it grows and flourishes until the larger market takes notice. For example, in a high school-level chemistry class, the teacher can present the materials in online in video format, quiz the students on the material, and then implement lab exercises based on the results of the quiz. Over-hyped does not mean that something good will not come from these developments. This allows the instructor to make the class more engaging and allows the students to ask more questions about the harder material, leading to a better understanding. Anyone who has been in education, either as an educator or as a student, knows that not all students learn the same way. Despite Higher Ed’s reputation for being slow to adapt, it is undeniable how disruptive certain technologies have been in recent years. Students who do not show a mastery of the material can be given a less complex lab in order to increase their understanding and their mastery of the material. You can think of it as evidence that the application of technology in an educational setting has had a clear impact on access, affordability and/or quality. I am currently a student in the M.Ed. The innovators in the education segment have NOT disrupted the status quo significantly so far. Disruptive innovation in K–12 education in the form of online learning is also the catalyst to bring about more equitable access to high-quality education. for disruptive innovations, of which there are two types. Uber. Our work at the Christensen Institute has shown that the principles of disruption can be beneficial to areas across society, including healthcare, education, and economic growth. Disruptive innovation is geared towards attacking the norm, creating innovative ways to achieve or surpass current goals by making the desired item more accessible and attainable by the masses. They range from…, Why is it Important to Establish Expectations for Students? Changing nature of faculty. As with most hyped innovations, eventually some aspects of the innovation “survive,” crossing the chasm to productive advancement of the industry. Disruptive Innovation refers to a technology whose application significantly affects the way a market or industry functions. Most innovation happens here, because most of the time we are seeking to … Christensen was recently quoted in an interview as stating that higher education institutions are going to be in real trouble 5 years from now. Writing about what happened in the past and putting a framework around it is great – but if it doesn't help predict the future it doesn’t especially help entrepreneurs or us “investors.”. All rights reserved. Here there is significant nonconsumption of higher education. Excitement about the role of technology in improving education is a good thing as far as I’m concerned. The growing relevance of this theory in the social sector (Eggers et … It has the ability to track performance in real time, and it is free for education. The 2017 keynote speaker, Shafik Dharamsi, PhD, has dedicated his career to addressing issues of health equity and social justice through engaged scholarship and the development of an ethically and civically inspired higher education agenda. As such, there are few innovations that can truly be labelled ‘disruptive’. It is…, Teachers’ “to-do” lists are never ending and sometimes shockingly long. The possibilities are endless in regards to what a teacher/instructor/professor can use when it comes to disruptive learning in the classroom. This makes learning easier and social. And, such populations of learners could probably support an advertising/low course fee model of consumption. Sorry if I tipped over one of your sacred cows there! But, there are some potential ways in which MOOCs could be disruptive in a more limited way. While students in eighth grade and higher are building and coding robots for national competitions. Since the simpler product is actually what the broader market prefers (simpler means more usable, more effective for the desired purposes) the product is highly disruptive – better product at lower price point. As little as 10 years ago, this would not have been possible. See more of Rob Abel’s views on educational innovation throughout the Learning Impact blog as well as this feature interview with Anthony Salcito of Microsoft. Diversity in terms of delivery models and blending of high touch with personalized self-service. BBA in Mgmt. The challenge for innovators and investors is to utilize critical thinking to rationalize what will sustain and what the real Impact will be. The Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality, and advancements in online learning have changed the way universities reach prospective students, engage with their current student body, and provide them the resources they need. Delving into the various industries which are affected helps consumers see why they are … I would argue that any individual that is putting time into educational technology leadership at any level is an investor, but certainly institutions that are spending on innovation, and yes, venture capital investors (investors in this segment, including some pretty big names, are making some bad decisions right now about where they are putting their money – but this post is more about how institutions should decide to invest their resources). The personal computer is an excellent example of a new-market innova-tion in that its … In the 1950s, computers were multi-million dollar machines that had to be housed in large buildings and that could only be operated … This page contains trademarks of the IMS Global Learning Consortium including the IMS Logos, Learning Tools Interoperability® (LTI®), Accessible Portable Item Protocol® (APIP®), Question and Test Interoperability® (QTI®), Common Cartridge® (CC®), AccessForAll™, OneRoster®, Caliper Analytics®,SensorAPI™ and Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange® (CASE®). “Mini mills” dramatically disrupted the steel industry once dominated by the great … Disruptive innovation and change requires disrupting our assumptions about leadership. Dr. Minecraft is being used to teach mathematical concepts, architectural concepts, and even symbolism in literature. It is an astonishing thought that instructional sound bits have the potential to reach and engage millions of virtual learners through social media. Disruptive Innovations have the potential to be an incredibly positive force in the world. This allows me to maintain a full-time job while achieving a graduate degree in the same time frame as a traditional student who attends courses on campus. This approach could potentially disrupt the open university market worldwide and create a much larger interest in open university derivative models as a way to learn more about a particular topic and/or as preparation for entry to other universities. In my opinion, these are simply a few examples of trendy teaching techniques that represent educational disruptive innovation through the use of social media as a supporting instructional tool. It is through disruptive innovation that students can matriculate from fully accredited colleges and universities by attending online courses. I would include in these MOOCs, Common Core State Standards, analytics, badges and open educational resources (OER). I wrote a paper about what the technology impact in higher education back in 2005-7 - and the situation is not significantly different today. Should open universities or other new entrants that wish to compete in that space try a MOOC/advertising/low course fee supported model? In a traditional classroom setting, a student will show up to class, listen to the lecture, takes notes, and be expected to remember everything that was discussed. But, in general the whole annual Learning Impact event is about understanding where the innovation really is. The iPad. While pursuing my first degree in the 1990’s, we had only a few courses available online. We’re pretty proud of this program because there is simply no way to win with hype. However, I would say that if you don’t know at this point why you are investing (in terms of what impact you expect will sustain at your institution, and therefore what the return on your investment is likely to be) then you are not applying the level of critical thinking you need to. However, the ground work for this kind of study was laid in the 1990’s with a few distance courses or online availability. I personally did not write my first line of code in school until my junior year of high school, and our robot could not make left hand turns. A Q&A with the authors of Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns. As previously discussed the more you commoditize an educational experience the less valuable the education is. According to Christensen’s disruptive innovation theory markets are disrupted when new entrants figure out an innovative way to provide a “simpler” product to a wider set of buyers at a more affordable price. Although little mention is made of Artificial Intelligence in the world of education, the truth is that projects in this area have been implemented over the last few years. And, it’s not clear how we get from “here” to “there.”. Is there a strong motivation for current providers of education to engage in this model? The instructor can they require a post video quiz that questions the students on the material presented. Steel mini mills. Personally I would be asking MOOC providers to take the risk in terms of proving the validity of the market/business model (such as the ideas around open university displacement) – and not taking on that risk for my university. Uber is often cited as an example of Unclear. I think MOOCs have the potential to be disruptive on the low end of the education market as a new model for delivering “open university style education.” For example, today’s MOOCs could be an appealing alternative to the content portion of massive open universities around the world, featuring star professors from highly ranked universities. Clayton Christensen, the leading expert on “disruptive innovation,” has written at least two books specifically focused on education. Netflix is one of the best and leading examples of the Disruptive Innovation. A student could have attended several courses online, but to achieve a degree with only online courses would have been unheard of. But I would argue that we are nowhere near a true disruption (rise) in the number of participants in higher education. © 2020 K-12 Teachers Alliance. Take computers as an example. About the Author(s) Soren Kaplan is the author of the award-winning bestseller, Leapfrogging, a writer for FastCompany, faculty member in the executive program at Copenhagen Business School, and the Founder of InnovationPoint. In the s, computers were. Education and innovation consortium NMC’s 2015 Higher Education report points to this trend. And thus, these new entrants change the market behavior substantially. Gamification is a method that can be used in a multitude of ways to teach concepts to students. At the 2013 Learning Impact conference I presented a keynote “Innovation, Disruption, Revolution – Oh My!”  I chose this topic because the degree of hype about “disruption” in education seems to be at an all time high right now. It’s difficult to imagine how something could have achieved more hype in the higher education segment – and they are very clearly striking a nerve for being potentially highly disruptive. For more information on the IMS trademark usage policy see trademark policy page, © 2001-2020 IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc. All Rights Reserved. Therefore, the “disruptive technology platforms” for education will need to enable great diversity. I think MOOCs have the potential to be disruptive on the low end of the education market as a new model for delivering “open university style education.”  For example, today’s MOOCs could be an appealing alternative to the content portion of massive open universities around the world, featuring star professors from highly ranked universities. Virtual Reality is not just for entertainment or gaming and could disrupt how people do business. So, hooray for the MOOC phenomena in terms of making claims about needed innovations such as scale, analytics and the potential power of star teachers that will help accelerate the innovation trend toward online/blended that we are already on! Receive the latest in education news and lesson plans via email. From this, we further aim to critique and challenge the sector-specific use of the concept. With a classroom that is using disruptive learning, whether it is a traditional class or online/hybrid course, the instructor could provide a video of the lecture prior to the class meeting allowing the student to view the material in advance. Michael Horn: A disruptive technology, also known as a disruptive innovation, is an innovation that transforms an existing sector or creates a new one by introducing simplicity, convenience, accessibility, and affordability, where before the product or service was complicated, expensive, and inaccessible. Literally every day MOOCs are in the headlines – and smart marketers are trying to jump on the MOOC bandwagon even as that bandwagon morphs continually to address the glaring deficits of the MOOC model and quite frankly, more failures than successes at this point. From Rob Abel's Learning Impact Keynote: Innovation, Disruption, Revolution Oh My! The study aims to conduct a systematic review to characterise the spread and use of the concept of ‘disruptive innovation’ within the healthcare sector. The use of disruptive learning can assist an instructor in overcoming some of the challenges presented by different learning styles. The former originate either in low-end markets or new-market footholds, whereas the latter make good products better. It is that time when the apple cart is upset and innovation booms. It is a DVD by mail model that turned the video rental business market upside down and pushed the industry veteran Blockbuster into bankruptcy. An example of disruptive innovation is how when Apple introduced the iPod, the company brought together a strong technology with a groundbreaking business model. of Info. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is an example of disruptive innovation in higher education. This innovation is a select type of intelligence that is exhibited by computers … We all know that…, It wouldn’t surprise you to hear that the learning process is at its…. Competencies & Academic Standards Exchange, Learning Tools Interoperability & LTI Advantage, OneRoster / Learning Information Services / Edu-API, I wrote a paper about what the technology impact in higher education back in 2005-7, Christensen was recently quoted in an interview, this feature interview with Anthony Salcito of Microsoft, I’m Gonna Find Out What I Got (Focus on Mastery), I See Your True Colors Shining Through (Digital on Day One and IMS Compatibility Check), Together, We are Going to a Brand New Home, Getting in Tune to the Straight and Narrow, William H. (Bill) Graves Leadership Award.